Reflections Kathy Paukune Reflections Kathy Paukune

Each Moment

My much younger self wished for God to place a billboard outside of my home that would tell me God’s will for my life. The common theme in my desire to know God’s will was me, my and I. How I relate to Saul in this manner.

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Reflections Kathy Paukune Reflections Kathy Paukune

But God…

Pumpkins have arrived! While Fall has its magical elements, to some this season becomes a burden with plenty of obligations...


"It is in this frame of mind that I opened up 1st Samuel. The Israelites, a people of whom Samuel says “the LORD will not forsake…because it has pleased Him to make them a people for Himself”, have forgotten the law of the LORD. But God! He is patient with His people, showing steadfast love and faithfulness to them. "

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Reflections Kathy Paukune Reflections Kathy Paukune

“I had it all figured out”

I had it all figured out; the title of my 1st  blog was going to be “Let’s Make A  Deal.” I’ve been asking the Holy Spirit to  fill me with knowledge, so I wrote out  every verse from the first week’s lesson  on a legal pad. I prayed about it, and  decided I was going to share the many  times I made a deal with God. But, then,  God called me to use what I’d learned  from Hannah’s example, and put it into  action.  

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Prayer, Reflections Kathy Paukune Prayer, Reflections Kathy Paukune

Dear God

The Psalms, which are basically the diary of David are another thing altogether. While David pours out his heart with astonishing honesty, every word he writes is directed to, and for, God — the One who created him, knows him, understands, him, loves him, forgives him and has the power to change and SAVE him!

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Testimonies Kathy Paukune Testimonies Kathy Paukune

Meet Betty!

What is your “go to” Bible verse, or story from the Bible that inspires you and why? My life verse is 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. It used to be my “go to” verse for older friends with birthdays, but now it’s simply my personal "go to" verse!

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Testimonies Kathy Paukune Testimonies Kathy Paukune

Meet the Member: Maggie C.

What is your “go to” Bible verse, or story from the Bible that inspires you and why? I love the story of the Samaritan Woman at the well in John 4. It is the perfect reminder of Jesus' faithfulness and grace, and it shows us how Jesus is the living water we need. We put our faith and trust in him, and we can bank on the fact that the well will never run dry. He will never turn away, and He will never not satisfy. His love is unconditional and because of the cross, we are forgiven.

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Testimonies Kathy Paukune Testimonies Kathy Paukune

Meet the Member: Lauren B.

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 and I repeat to myself daily “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6 These both remind me that God is on my side and He loves me unconditionally.

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Reflections Kathy Paukune Reflections Kathy Paukune

How One Word Can Change a Life

I was led by a dear friend who prompted us to share a one-word prayer as we parted for the summer. What a simple, but effective way to stay connected and remember one another during the summer break. As the lovely face of one I hold dear comes to mind throughout the day, it’s easy to associate the one word she chose, which I recall and lift her up in prayer. So, although we are not physically together for a few months, we can remain close in spirit.

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Recipe Kathy Paukune Recipe Kathy Paukune

Easter Pavlova

Meringue is the main ingredient in this light and subtle dessert. It serves as the base for whatever form or shape you choose to create. If you have never made meringue, you are in for a treat!

Happy Easter! HE IS RISEN!

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