“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.”
John1:1, 14
Bible Study originated over 10 years ago with a small group of women who met on Thursdays in a home to discuss God’s Word through video Bible studies, have lunch, and pray together. As the group grew larger, the leadership team of Thursday Bible Study began to create original Bible studies with discussion questions and a lecture, while maintaining the original home and lunch format; so that women who worked could attend.
In March of 2020 when the Covid 19 pandemic restricted large group meetings, Thursday Bible Study employed Zoom to complete the remainder of the study. This method demonstrated the possibility of reaching others outside the area, while also allowing new groups to form and meet.
@Home Bible Study became the new name and website address, while retaining the group’s fundamental objective, which is the use of a non-denominational home setting in which the Word of God can be discussed openly and honestly with transparency.
The aim of @Home is to provide a format that opens the participant’s eyes to the beauty, mystery, and adventure of God’s Word, and inspires an intimate, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
is a wife to Tim and mother of four grown children. She graduated from Texas Tech University with a degree in Advertising and a minor in Art. Her career in Public Relations was followed by launching a startup company that provided high-end tabletop products to the hospitality industry. Betty sold her business in 1993 to dedicate her time to a growing family and ministry opportunities. She served for 28 years in Bible Study Fellowship as a discussion group facilitator, a teacher and an area advisor. BSF is the ministry that taught her the beauty and blessing of digging deeply into God’s Word. In addition to Biblical studies Betty enjoys dirt digging in her garden and stirring up things in the kitchen. Her passion for anything to do with food and gathering around a table opened the door for her to be a food and recipe contributor to Deeply Rooted Magazine, a publication dedicated to her passion of inspiring women to pursue a heart-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”
Psalm 34:8
taught Bible Study Fellowship for 16 years. She was married to Richard O’Neal, her college sweetheart, for 56 years. She has four children, 10 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Her love for the Word came from membership in Bible Study Fellowship which she first attended reluctantly. The more she studied the Bible, the more intrigued she became, which evoked a lifelong dedication to seeking Christ daily and understanding His truth. She has inspired generations of women to model her commitment to know the Lord intimately, and become a woman of character as she is known to be. When not teaching, Gayle spends her time with her many friends, or in the country working in her flower garden and admiring the beauty of God’s creation.
“Therefore Jesus said again, ‘Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out and find pasture.’”
John 10:7,9
discovered her love of words and writing at an early age. She worked as a writer and associate editor for several years before moving with her husband, Mark and two children to Fort Worth, where she first attended Bible Study Fellowship. It was through BSF that she learned the mystery, beauty and adventure of God’s Word. After serving as a discussion group facilitator for several years, Kathy started a small Bible Study with a few friends in her home. That Bible Study continued to grow and is now @Home Bible Study. Kathy has used her passion for God’s Word and her questioning mind to develop the accompanying discussion lessons for @Home Bible Studies.
“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself.”
Revelation 19:11-12
“Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom; set your heart on a life of Understanding.
That’s right—if you make Insight your priority, and won’t take no for an answer,
Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold, like an adventurer on a treasure hunt,
Believe me, before you know it Fear-of-God will be yours; you’ll have come upon the Knowledge of God.”
Proverbs 2:3 - 5, The Message
Sometimes the Bible can seem intimidating. It’s hard to know where and how to begin reading it. And yet, to fail to start is to fail to grasp the Book that is like no other. The Bible is actually alive and therefore, life-changing. Its filled with historical accounts of real people with real problems just like us. But, it’s more than a self-help book; it is the link to a life-altering relationship with the Creator who KNOWS you and wants you to KNOW Him!
We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, true in everything it affirms, most importantly as follows:
We believe in one God, eternally existent in three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, the Son, is fully God and fully man; two distinct natures in one Person.
We believe the Holy Spirit indwells each Christian, forming one unified body with Christ as the head. The Spirit empowers believers to carry out Christ’s mission on earth until He returns in glory.
We believe salvation is by grace through faith in Christ for all who believe and receive the gift. According to Scripture man was originally created in the image of God, with free will, able to choose to love and make decisions. Having chosen to pursue the one boundary God placed on man, sin entered the lives of the first created beings and every created human since then.
We believe in the vicarious substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross providing atonement for the sins of the world, efficient for all who repent and believe.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which ensures the resurrection of all who believe in God’s gift of eternal life.
We look with expectancy to Christ’s prophesied, imminent, visible and bodily return to earth to establish His kingdom and to judge the world in righteousness.