The power of the Gospel here, there, and everywhere
Study Overview
The Gospel of Luke concludes with the Resurrected Jesus ascending into heaven before the eyes of His trusted friends. But, just as He was about to depart, He gave them a final Word — an assurance and a charge. “I am going to send you what my Father has promised, but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
That “power from on high” was none other than His own Spirit, Who indwells all who accept Him as Lord and Savior. And, like those original disciples, when we become believers, we are given the same authority to live out the pre-ordained plan God has for us. But, what to do next and where to go can often seem unclear.
Sometimes in order to move forward with clarity, we need to take a look back. In times of uncertainty, it is reassuring to remember that the Christian faith has deep roots. It is built on the testimonies of WITNESSES, who knew Jesus personally, interacted with Him after His resurrection, and modeled their lives on what they were taught by Him firsthand. The pioneers of our faith were ordinary people who accomplished EXTRAORDINARY things because they BELIEVED what Jesus said, and then ACTED on it.
Like us, they faced extreme political turmoil, uncontrollable mobs, protests, violent rioting, border crossings, language barriers, economic challenges, financial fraud, identity issues, sexual depravity, food shortages, racial hatred and religious persecution. And, right in the midst of all of that turmoil and terror, women’s ministry was born, prayer teams thrived, prison ministry arose, international ministries and mission trips abounded and the GOSPEL spread like wildfire.
Imagine what could happen within the Church today, if rather than dwelling on differences, believers became reunited with the INDWELLING power of the Holy Spirit to lead THE WAY forward. What if during this brief time you have on this earth, you took hold of the TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER of the Holy Spirit and allowed Him to use you in your family, your community, your city, your country, the world?
Join us as we journey back to reexamine the unstoppable Acts of the Holy Spirit unleashed on believers compelled to share the incomparable gift of Christ’s grace and salvation. They laid a strong and FIRM foundation. YOU were chosen for this time and this place - for NOW. How will you choose to ACT?
This series is in progress. Videos and discussion questions for each week are below.
To watch the video lectures, click on the video for the appropriate week.
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Prior to starting our study, please watch the introduction video with your group and complete the questions below prior to joining us for the official Week 1.
Lesson 1
Please complete the Lesson 1 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 1 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 2
Please complete the Lesson 2 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 2 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 3
Please complete the Lesson 3 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 3 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 4
Please complete the Lesson 4 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 4 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 5
Please complete the Lesson 5 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 5 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 6
Please complete the Lesson 6 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 6 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 7
Please complete the Lesson 7 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 7 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 8
Please complete the Lesson 8 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 8 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 9
Please complete the Lesson 9 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 9 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 10
Please complete the Lesson 10 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 10 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 11
Welcome back from break! Please complete the Lesson 11 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 11 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 12
Please complete the Lesson 12 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 12 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 13
Please complete the Lesson 13 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 13 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 14
Please complete the Lesson 14 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 14 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 15
Please complete the Lesson 15 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 15 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 16
Please complete the Lesson 16 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 16 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 17
Please complete the Lesson 17 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 17 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 18
Please complete the Lesson 18 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 18 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 19
Please complete the Lesson 19 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 19 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 20
Please complete the Lesson 20 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 20 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 21
Please complete the Lesson 21 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 21 video together during our bible study.
Lesson 22
Please complete the Lesson 22 discussion questions listed under last week’s video prior to meeting with your group. We will watch the Lesson 22 video together during our bible study.