Developing a Strong Group Dynamic

1.  Never underestimate the value and impact of opening your home and leading women  through the study of His Word.  It will take effort, but it will reap fruit! 

2.  Don’t minimize the power of prayer.  Always undergird your women and time together with  prayer.  Placing proper dependence on the work only God can do takes the weight off of your  shoulders. 

3.  Develop your schedule based on what works for your group.  Pick the day and time that  works best with members’ schedules.  Together, you can decide if you want to include a meal,  how you want to incorporate prayer time or partners, and amount of time for questions.   Whatever you decide, stick with it so bad habits don’t begin to alter the schedule and affect the  group . 

4.  Avoid providing, or allowing, counsel regarding grey areas during discussion time (i.e. school  or church choices, politics, etc.)  As an example, instead of recommending churches, discuss  what to look for in a church. 

5.  Never allow back biting, gossip, or breach of confidentiality.  A member who speaks  negatively, or gossips about another group member, should be held into account. 

6.  Be careful to lead through the questions, not teach.  Leading not teaching the discussion  encourages women to experience their own personal discovery during their time alone with the  Word and learning from others within the group. 

7.  Keep women who tend to overshare in check.  Encourage everyone to join in discussion and  feel comfortable expressing themselves. 

8.  When someone misses frequently, touch base to see how they are doing and offer to pray for  them if there is a need.  Let them know they are valued and missed. 

9.  Be sensitive and attentive to what a group member is sharing, allowing them to feel safe to  express doubt, questions or emotions about what you are studying. 

10.  And finally, laugh and have fun together!  God’s Word is a brilliant, life giving adventure!


“I had it all figured out”


First Day Guidelines for Leaders