Dear God

When I was a little girl I had a diary. It was white, with a flower motif on the front, and a golden  key with a light blue satin tassel. I remember writing in it for a few weeks, trying to muster up  something dramatic and emotional to pour out on the page. But, at that point in my life, there  wasn’t much to say besides what the cafeteria had served for lunch that day, or my fears over  pop quizzes in math. But, as I grew older I had a few more situations arise and feelings to  express. I also had a younger brother whose greatest pastime was to sneak into my room and  plan devious schemes to embarrass me. So, I got rid of that diary before he could use it to  publicly expose my secrets for the world to see.  

Honestly though, the diary was was just a place to write secret thoughts, an avenue for  venting. There was no power on the page. The Psalms, which are basically the diary of David  are another thing altogether. While David pours out his heart with astonishing honesty, every  word he writes is directed to, and for, God — the One who created him, knows him,  understands, him, loves him, forgives him and has the power to change and SAVE him!  

God isn’t a distant deity to David. His relationship with the Lord is personal. The Psalms are  about, HIS Lord, HIS Rock, HIS Shield, HIS Redeemer, HIS Hope and HIS SAVIOR. While hurt  or happiness is poured out, it isn’t vaporizing into nothing. It is strategically directed at the One  who holds it all, who can change the circumstance, sustain him in the midst of tragedy, and  accept glory and praise for the outcome. Perhaps that transparency, and faith, is one of the  reasons God calls David “a man after His own heart.”  

David writes with such uncensored authenticity, nothing hidden. He calls out for God’s  vengeance, at times in gory detail, on his enemies. He cries over the physical pain and havoc  that sin has wreaked in his life. At other times, David sings and worships with unashamed  abandon about the immense love he has for the Lord. And, he marvels at the brilliance,  wonder and mystery of creation, God’s care over every detail, most especially for man, for  David himself. And, then, in almost every case, what was shame becomes praise; what  seemed insurmountable becomes a pathway to victory, thanksgiving becomes a song. 

Through the Psalms, David provides a “how to” guide that teaches us how to process our  human emotions and frailties with the One Who has unlimited ability to rescue, redeem and  restore any situation or circumstance. What if today, we took David’s example, and began to  use the psalms as our own personal prayer template? Sometimes, we hear others pray and  think we need to imitate their words, pretty up our petitions. But according to the Book of  Psalms, it seems God just wants us to be bare and bold, to say what’s on our heart with truth  and trust. Since He already knows what’s on our minds, what if we turned all of those swirling  feelings and questions into our own prayer, a psalm, something holy?  

The first scripture I ever memorized was the 23rd Psalm. It was taught to me by my  grandmother who was one of my best friend and hugely impactful to my life. We would go  through it line by line as we read from her old King James Bible on the ivory damask couch in  her living room. I still love those familiar words, but the other night when I couldn’t sleep, I  began to change it up a little. I kept the basic idea and began each line with the original words,  but began to make it my own, tailored to my specific situation. 

“Lord, You are my Counselor. 

You make me relax and stay calm. 

You lead me to a place of peace. 

You give me a new outlook on (current problem). 

You tell me how to think and how to respond to (name) because that is who you are.

Even when I can’t see my way in the dark, and I am confused and afraid because of (situation),  I know you are with me. You nudge me or pull me in the right direction. You protect me. When I am with You, I can have courage about (circumstance). 

You make sure when I go to (place) the enemy knows I am Yours and You are on my side. I am marked as Yours. 

Regardless of circumstances, I know you are good and You will never leave me. You are my  hope and You are with me always.” 

There is a psalm for pretty much every feeling and experience. When we are in conflict with  family, hurt by a friend, in a battle with co-workers, feeling depressed, experience loss,  tormented by sin, whatever has happened, we can find a pattern to pray, or praise, in the  Psalms. And, in the process we draw close to His heart; our heart becomes more like His. 

The inspired “words” David poured on a page throughout his life were a testament to his  intimate relationship with the One who would 1000 years later be called THE WORD. And that  same One, the Eternal WORD Who is with us now beckons each of us to follow suit, to lay it  out before Him with courageous fear and bold faith, so we can hear the words He says to each  of us, “Now look at her; she is girl after my own heart!”

By Kathy Paukune


First Day Guidelines for Leaders


Meet the Member: Janice T.