But God…

Pumpkins have arrived! You will find them displayed in abundance at the entrance to grocery stores, beautifully stacked on porches, baked into breads, and even in your coffee. For some, the arrival of pumpkins brings to mind cooler fall weather, beautifully colored tree leaves, college football, and tidings of the holiday season. For me, pumpkins bring to mind the work it takes to make the events of this season magical. I find myself dreading the effort it takes to decorate, coordinate schedules, bake, search out meaningful gifts, and host all the activities that make this time of year special. The season has become a burden to me. I am caught up in the expectations and missing the meaning. So busy with the all of the details that I miss the relationship. 

It is in this frame of mind that I opened up 1st Samuel. The Israelites, a people of whom Samuel says “the LORD will not forsake…because it has pleased Him to make them a people for Himself”, have forgotten the law of the LORD. They do not remember His mighty deeds and great blessings, and they have failed to be careful to obey all that He has commanded. Their offerings and sacrifices have become a cultural norm, an expectation or burden to be half heartedly completed. They have abandoned the source of all blessings and forsaken the very presence of the God of all creation.

But God! He is patient with His people, showing steadfast love and faithfulness to them. I loved Hannah’s prayer of exaltation, spoken from a heart that knows that the LORD heard her prayers. I see the LORD’s patience as He called out to Samuel multiple times, understanding that Samuel did not yet know His voice. I am in awe of the LORD’s deliverance of the people when they come to Him in repentance, yet again! 

God does not forsake the Israelites and He will not forsake His beloved children today. As we learned in Hebrews, “God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.”  Through Jesus, the God of all creation hears our cries, knows our hearts, is patient with our frailty, and forgives us when we come to Him in repentance. He delights in us and desires relationship and nearness. So in this season, and always, may we direct our hearts to the LORD and remember that it is in Him that we find joy, peace, hope, and the fullness of life. 

By Esther Cowan


Meet the Member: Kathryn A.


“I had it all figured out”