Meet the Member: Kelly G.

How did you get involved with @HOME Bible Study? 

A neighbor invited me to attend.  I only went to see her lecture.  I was NOT a Christian/nor was I EVER going to do the Prayer Partner garbage, NEVER!!! 

“But, God.,,,”

What has been your favorite study and why?  And, or, if you are new, what would you most like to study? 

2016-2017 We studied The People of God.  I learned how many were like me; so very flawed.  I’d love to study it again along with Psalms and Ephesians.

What is your “go to” Bible verse, or story from the Bible that inspires you and why?

Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Shields of Strength prints dog tag necklaces; I wear this one most often. It makes me feel like I have “the armor of God” covering me.

What do you hope to gain through Bible Study, or how do you hope to grow in your relationship with Christ?  

Trust, knowledge, an understanding of His love and grace, so I can be an example.

When, and how, do you make time for Bible Study in your day? 

I am extremely disciplined with my study! Homework can fill many hours just for one day’s questions.  I wake up 1 to 2 hours prior to my day and still work my homework even if I cannot attend.

How has studying God’s Word impacted your work, social life, or family dynamic?

My close work friends can tell when I miss class. Unfortunately, I have lost a few friends since becoming a Christian.

Who would you most like to meet from the Bible and what question(s) would you ask them? God; did you forget to make a husband for me? Where is he?!? Why are you making me wait 20-24 years???

What has brought you joy this past week? My goddaughter and her parents watched Passion of Christ last night. She and I were scolded for talking during the movie, but we had questions. This morning she hugged me for a long time and said she loved me!

I performed my last military training weekend on Sunday. After 38 years in the Air Force and the Air National Guard, I am retiring.

What are you reading or watching right now? OR your favorite book/TV show/movie? Reading Veterans Assistance Benefits, not by choice & The Shack (again). Favorite TV show is Yellowstone (don’t judge me! ha) and Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice (wow, my medical career has never been like)

What does a typical day in your life look like? Presently, there is no typical day.

What is your favorite way to spend your free time? Workout, lunch/coffee/drinks with friends or relax.

Favorite FTW restaurant, and what do you order? The Diner off of Hulen. Salad with steak or salmon. I also love sushi, but most of my friends don’t.

Favorite place to vacation/spend time in the summer? Have not taken a vacation in years…I love Yosemite, Baden-Baden Germany (best spa and natural springs) and Prague.
What qualities do you look for in a friend? Loyalty, smart, uplifting, patient with me (I can tend to be an extreme introvert and socially awkward, kind, funny…




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