Meet the Member: Lauren M.

How did you get involved with @HOME Bible Study? Kathy Paukune mentioned it to me and I luckily got into a group

What has been your favorite study and why?  And, or, if you are new, what would you most like to study? The study of Hebrews was truly amazing!

What is your “go to” Bible verse, or story from the Bible that inspires you and why? Psalm 23- It’s my reminder of joyful trust in the Lord

What do you hope to gain through Bible Study, for how do you hope to grow in your relationship with Christ?  I hope to be reminded each day that I am easily distracted by the world but the Lord is my focus and I need to put him first each and every day. 

When, and how, do you make time for Bible Study in your day? Every day is different but I try to make time early each morning before I begin my day

How has studying God’s Word impacted your work, social life, or family dynamic? It’s a reminder that without HIS foundation, we can do nothing. I want to be an example of Christ for my family and friends. I want to represent Christ with compassion, love and prayer. 

Who would you most like to meet from the Bible and what question(s) would you ask them? Jesus Christ- I would thank him for his sacrifice for me and my sins and kneel before him to worship him. I want to see him face to face and feel his healing power. 

What has brought you joy this past week? My children

What are you reading or watching right now? OR your favorite book/TV show/movie? A Star Is Born is my favorite movie

What does a typical day in your life look like? Quiet time, exercise, occasional tennis then carpool, dinner with my family 

What is your favorite way to spend your free time? Walking or playing tennis

Favorite FTW restaurant, and what do you order? Joe T’s- salt and pepper fajitas

Favorite place to vacation/spend time in the summer? Mexico


Meet the Member: Janice T.


Meet the Member: Allison W.