What I learned this year from Hebrews and I & II Thessalonians

I learned that Jesus, our great High Priest, who is our HOPE 

is an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. 

He has entered the inner sanctuary, behind the veil. 

He ALWAYS lives to intercede. 

He is a merciful priest who in EVERY way was made man,  

so He is ABLE to sympathize with us in our weakness.  

He was tempted in EVERY way, but without sin. 

He learned obedience for what He suffered.  


The role call of the faithful before us: 

Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson,  Jepthah, David, Samuel and the Prophets were all commended for their faith, YET none of  them saw what had been promised in their lifetime.  

BUT God, had planned something better — so that together, with us, they would be made  perfect. 

THEREFORE, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off ALL  that entangles us; let us run the race marked out for us with PERSEVERANCE, fixing our eyes  on JESUS, the author and perfecter of our faith! 

Consider Him, JESUS, so we will not lose heart. 

Paul says to the Thessalonians: 

For, we always thank God for you, your faith, your labor, love, endurance, inspired by hope in  the Lord, Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

In spite of severe suffering, you became a model.  

So we are to encourage, comfort, and strengthen others in their faith. 

We thank God because your faith is growing more and more, and your love is increasing. We  pray that God may count you worthy of His calling, and that by His POWER, He may fulfill  every good purpose. We pray that the NAME of the Lord Jesus may be glorified. 

Do not become alarmed; the man of lawlessness will be revealed. He will proclaim he is god.  But, no he is being held back. The work of Satan will be counterfeit signs.  


Those who have not believed the truth will be condemned. When the lawless one is revealed,  the Lord Jesus Christ will overthrow him with His breath, and destroy him by the splendor of  His coming. 

We thank God for you. STAND FIRM. Pray for the message of the Lord to spread rapidly and  that we may be delivered from evil. Settle down; work; do what is right. 

Now, may the Lord of PEACE Himself give you PEACE.  

The grace of the LORD JESUS CHRIST be with you all. 


Janina Walker


How One Word Can Change a Life


Easter Pavlova