Why is the Bible important?


There is nothing I like more than a good book.  I’m guilty of reading until the wee hours of the morning, desperate to know a story’s ending only to regret it ended!  I’ve mourned the loss of characters that felt like companions, characters I will never forget.  Through books, I’ve cried, laughed, escaped, solved mysteries, rooted for the protagonist and uncovered the past.  I’ve been touched by tales of forgiveness, redemption, and love. I’ve even come across nuggets of wisdom for self-improvement.  I am grateful for gifted authors that put pen to paper and speak to my heart.  As I contemplate the joy of reading, my mind turns to the Bible.  As much as I enjoy all types of literature, nothing can compare to the precious Word of God.  The Bible is the most important book.  To quote Lewis Sperry Chafer, “As no other literature in the world, the Bible invites and sustains a ceaseless rereading for its pages are ever flashing new gems of truth to those most familiar with it.  The Bible surpasses all other books as to authority, antiquity, literature, and popularity.”  Unlike historical books, the Bible points to our future as well as our beginning.  The authors of the Bible were directed by God the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21).  Reading the Bible is a form of worship.  The Bible is the Word of God!

Hebrews 4:12 tells us the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

The Bible is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105) and the only means to learn God’s righteous judgements (Psalm 119:7)

When the law of God is in our heart; our steps do not slip (Psalm 37:31) and we delight to do God’s will (Psalm 40:8)

Other books can reveal different characteristics of God, but the Bible is the mind of Christ and therefore the only book which will enable us to grow spiritually and develop Divine viewpoint thinking.  In order for us to serve, enjoy and have rapport with God, we must first KNOW WHO HE IS.

We must have a reservoir of Bible Doctrine (the content of the Word of God) in our soul to have a true love for God, a relaxed mental attitude, tranquility of soul, contentment, and good rapport with God.

The more Bible doctrine a believer learns and stores in his soul, the more he comes to know God and His plan for his life after Salvation (John 3:16 – Faith alone in Christ alone)

Books can stir our soul but the Bible helps us understand our soul.

There are many benefits for the believer who has learned and is continuing to learn sound Bible doctrine, for example: The more a believer understands the amazing grace of God toward him – an undeserving sinner – the more personal love he has toward God (1 Peter 1:8).  As an ambassador of Christ, the believer is able to serve on earth as a true representative of the kingdom of Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:20). The Word of God helps the believer to know how to pray and what to pray for.  Therefore, he can pray in accordance to the will of God (James 4:1-3). The believer is able to have peace about the future.  He realizes through Bible doctrine that his future lies in God’s care.  There is no substitute for God’s word when the chips are down i.e. prepares the believer for every crisis in life.  The Bible provides protection from false teaching and teachers.  The level of fellowship a believer has with other people depends on his fellowship with God. When his deepest needs are being met in God, he is able to have healthy relationships with other people.  The believer has a basis for a standard of right and wrong.  A resource for withstanding spiritual pressure and passing various spiritual tests to the Glory of God.  The believer keeps on experiencing peace and joy.  He finds life meaningful and enjoyable when his soul is under the control of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). 

As we open our Bibles in preparation for the study of Hebrews, lets approach God’s word with the same anticipation we feel when we turn the first page of a #1 best seller. The Bible is the most important book we will ever own and have the privilege of studying. I am grateful for the @HOME Bible Study, for the lessons encourage us to be in God’s word daily, enabling us to renew our minds and continue on the path of being inwardly transformed (Romans 12:2).

By Rose Toner


Why do we need Bible Study?


He is Always There