He is Always There

I have not always found it easy to fix my thoughts on Jesus, and it is  definitely a daily struggle. Life gets busy and the to-do list gets long.  Mine always seems endless. I have to intentionally stop and fix my  thoughts on Him if I want Him to be a part of my day.  

I was at my baby brother’s wedding recently, and the pastor said  something that has stuck with me. He said, “Jesus is invited to this  wedding. If you stop and look around this weekend, you will see Him.”  He was definitely there.  

But the thing is, He is always there, always waiting for me to find Him.  Always blessing me with moments that He hopes I see. There are so  many times I rush through the day, and I don’t stop to find Him. When I  do, it’s so apparent that He’s there waiting for me.  

Pastor Greg Laurie says it well, “God is watching us, but He loves us so  much that He can’t take His eyes off of us. We may lose sight of God,  but He never loses sight of us.” He is always there, always talking to me  through His beautiful creation, but it is up to me to listen. And when I do,  the day is always so much better!

By Lissa Harrison


Why is the Bible important?


@HOME Holiday Devotional 2020