@HOME Holiday Devotional 2020
Following in the Footsteps of the Faithful
Many of us begin the holiday season with the best of intentions to keep Christ as our focus. Somehow, He gradually gets put on the back burner as preparations take precedence, and we become more focused on the task at hand. We often find ourselves on January 1 looking back and realizing that at some point, we left Him behind. And, again we vow to start the New Year afresh with a resolution to put Him first!
But, the taste of the holidays can seem bland as we look back and realize something was lacking. We forgot the One that Christmas is about. This season, as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving and the birth of our King, let’s look at the men and women we have studied in Genesis thus far to see how we can follow their lead in developing a more authentic, intimate relationship with our Savior. Let’s take what we have learned through reading His Word and put it into practice, becoming intimately acquainted by spending time with the AUTHOR Himself.
Recall how Adam and Eve met with God in the garden; then Enoch walked faithfully with God. Remember how Noah listened to God and followed his instructions; Abram heard God’s call, picked up and moved; he called upon the name of the Lord, believed Him, had faith in His promise, and accepted the covenant God made with him. And, then, Hagar met with God in the desert and proclaimed Him the “God who sees”!
But, pause and take note that, while all of these great men and women of faith responded with obedience or awe, in each relationship, the initiator is the Lord. HE called out to Adam and Eve; HE gave detailed instructions to Noah on ark building; HE shut Noah and his family inside for their protection; HE remembered them when it was safe to come out; HE told Abram where to go and who he would become; HE found Hagar in the desert, and HE gave her the strength and encouragement to go on.
The same holds true for us today. Your God is not distant. HE is near and wants to be a part of your life, in every aspect. And HE promises that when you include Him, you will be blessed beyond measure. HE has extended the invitation. Will you accept and receive Him in the days and weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year?
Week One: November 22 - 28
Adam and Eve
Genesis 1:26 - 27, 2:8 - 9, 3:8 - 9, Psalm 139
Imagine that, like God did with Adam and Eve, each evening He strolls up to your house and asks where you are so He can join you for a daily chat. Imagine Him joining you in your den or on your porch, pulling up a chair, with the sole intention of talking with YOU and hearing about your day.
What would you share? Would you tell Him the funny things that happened, your frustrations, your plans for the holiday? Would you discuss your feelings about certain family members who are coming to Thanksgiving dinner, or your worry about how to handle conflicting or divisive views at the dinner table? The reality is that we don’t have to wait for Him to show up to meet with Him. He is available to talk 24/7, and you have His undivided attention.
As you prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, read through Psalm 139 and note which verses speak most personally to you. Then, share your thoughts directly with Him. Picture the Lord sitting across from you, eager to hear what you have to say. Continue to talk with Him in this manner, as you read and respond to the the different sections of this holiday devotional
When you go outside, take a walk, decorate your table, or gather food for your meal, remember His delight over the world He made for us to inhabit. What do you love about this time of year? How has He brought beauty and joy into your home? Praise Him for His creativity and beauty, and thank Him for the specific ways you see His glory reflected both outside and inside your home.
Who are you thankful for that God gave you as a family member or a friend? What do you love about that person? How do they reflect God’s image?
Who do you struggle with in your family that you will spend time with over the Thanksgiving holiday? Ask God to give you fresh eyes to see that person in the way He sees them. As you speak with them, envision the face of Jesus, or imagine that He is next to you, encouraging you to love them the way He loves you. Confess your concerns or unkind thoughts and ask Him for His perspective.
Who do you know that is isolated from family or friends this Thanksgiving? How could you encourage them, or remind them that they are not forgotten? Follow His lead on how to reach out and affirm them.
Week Two: November 29 - December 5
Genesis 5:22 - 24, Hebrews 11:5 - 6, Jude 14 - 15, Psalm 119:41 - 48
The brief passage that describes Enoch’s relationship with God speaks of a faithful walk, which implies that this was an ongoing process, something Enoch did continually. It doesn’t say he spoke to God in prayer each morning for 20 minutes, and then went on his way. Enoch got to know God by including Him in all of his comings and goings.
Take a look at your calendar or “to do” list. Where are you going this week? Who will you see? Envision Christ accompanying you as you go about your day. Picture Him in the passenger seat of your car, joining you in your workouts, shopping with you at the grocery store. Converse with Him as you would with a friend. What would you share as you go about your daily errands? Think about the following questions and share your opinions with Him.
What do you most enjoy about the holiday season? What are your favorite childhood memories? What Christmas songs or hymns do you love? Why? Praise Him for the hope of Christmas and thank Him for the gift of music!
What anxious thoughts do you have about the holiday season? How has the pandemic affected your plans, or caused you stress this year? Confess all of your fears, your worries, your sadness, your old hurts; and ask Him to give you overwhelming peace.
Read through the verses in Psalm 119. What Word of truth do you need to claim so that you can walk in freedom this week? Commit to memorize a passage that you can pray when anxious thoughts creep in or you are confronted with conflict. Choose to stand on His Word over the world’s word.
Who do you know that is walking in darkness? As you see the Christmas lights on your tree or in your neighborhood, ask Christ to bring light to those who don’t know Him. Call out their names to Him, and ask Him to draw them out of darkness and into a saving faith in Jesus.
Walk with confidence; He is right beside you!
Week Three: December 6 - 12
Genesis 6:9 - 22, Psalm 25
Think about the length of time it took for Noah to complete the assignment God had given him. Imagine the details God was communicating to Noah about the architecture and design of the ark. Clearly, Noah was able to hear God’s voice and His instructions. And, perhaps just as importantly, he acted on them. Noah chose to listen to God over the voices of his neighbors, the community activists, the crowd urging him to compromise his faith. He stood strong in a culture that had turned its back on the Lord. He stayed attentive to God’s Word, and his obedience was his salvation.
How attentive would you be if you knew God was giving you life-saving instructions? Do you know how to hear His voice? How are you the same or different from the culture around you?
While God can speak to all of us in a variety of ways and He is not limited in how He chooses to communicate; we all have access to His Word. Take a few minutes to contemplate the incredible gift we have in our Bible. As you open it, remember that this is His letter to you; it’s personal. He wants you to know Him; He wants you to know His plans; He wants to help you navigate this life; He wants you to trust Him; He longs for you to accept His unconditional love and grace. Praise Him for this amazing treasure and thank Him for the ways He has used His Word to speak directly to you.
Noah was considered a “righteous man, blameless among the people of his time,” but the opposition must have been fierce in such a corrupt society. This time of year can cause even the most committed Christian to become ensnared by materialism. And, recently our cultural environment has made it difficult to know when to speak out and when to be silent. Share your concerns with God over your ability to stand strong during these tumultuous times. Listen for His leading and assurance that He is with you always, protecting you, and guiding your words and responses.
Just as God “remembered” Noah in the ark, He “remembers” you. What deliverance have you long waited for, whether for yourself or a loved one? Read through the words of Psalm 25 and remind the Lord that your hope is in Him. Focus your eyes and ears on Him and listen for His direction. Choose to trust that He will deliver you, as he did for Noah and his family; and then act upon that belief.
Just as God gave Noah the rainbow as a sign of His covenant to never flood the earth again, this season is filled with signs that remind us of the birth of our Savior! As you go through your day, be attentive to the symbols of Christmas and what they mean. As God brought new life to the world after the flood, ask Him to bring fresh meaning to what has become overly familiar. Ask Him to fill you with wonder over the images that remind us that prophecy was fulfilled — Jesus came as a baby; and, He is coming back as a KING!
Week Four: December 13 - 19
Genesis 12:1 - 8, 13:1 - 4, 13:14 - 18, 15:1 - 6, Psalm 16
As most of us find ourselves still at home, finishing up final Christmas preparations, we meet Abram in Genesis 12 when God told him to pick up and GO! Abram listened and obeyed and embarked on one of the greatest adventures in recorded history! While most of us aren’t called to pick up and move to a strange new country, we are all offered a life of abundance and adventure — even when we are on lockdown or isolating.
Do you view life with God as an adventure, or a somber affair? There is nothing about God that is boring — that is the fabrication of man. This Christmas holds unparalleled challenges — but also opportunities — to strike out and seize some of our unclaimed spiritual promised land. God is calling each of us out of ourselves, out of the mundane safety net we have insulated ourselves in, to walk with Him into the abundant life — a life filled with excitement, surprise, challenges, victory, passion and freedom.
Consider Abram’s minor, but significant, part in this grand expedition: he BELIEVED the Lord. Read Psalm 16 as David did, speaking directly to the Lord. Praise Him for Who He is. Highlight a verse that challenges what you believe, or encourages you to trust Him in a new area, and speak it aloud to Him throughout the day, affirming your trust in Him!
Abram had many missteps along his journey, forgetting the provision of God and acting on his own accord. But, each time Abram veered off his path, we found him building an altar, or returning to one he had already established. As Christmas approaches, where are you in your relationship with God? If your focus has shifted, be encouraged that you are in good company. Follow Abram’s lead and take some time alone in a quiet place to return to the Lord. Recommit your mind and your heart to Him. Remember that this season is about Him and for Him. Re-invite Him to share every detail, and ask Him to reignite your love for Him. Ask Him to unleash His Spirit in your home.
As we near the close of this year, does it still seem like we are venturing forth in unfamiliar territory where the future is uncertain? Remember God’s prophetic promise of a Savior to come from Abram’s seed, a Messiah who would bring the hope of salvation to the world. Just as that prophecy was fulfilled, He has promised He will return. And in the meantime, just as He assured Abram, He offers you the assurance that HE is your “shield.” Reflect on the ways He has protected you, or revealed Himself to you, in the past few months. Share with Him how you have seen Him working in your home, in your family, in your heart.
As you finish wrapping Christmas presents, reflect back on the most meaningful gifts you have received. What made them so important to you? What blessings or gifts has God given you this year? How has spending time with Him been a reward? Tell Him what you love about Him; thank Him for what He has done in your life. And, ask Him to surprise you with fresh insight into His character this Christmas.
Pray about how you can share the gift of Christ with someone this week — give the gift of a smile, offer encouragement, share the hope!
Week Five: December 20 - 26
Abraham and Sarah
Genesis 17:1 - 8, 15 - 19, 18:1 - 15, Psalm 126
Christmas week is finally here! How appropriate it is, then, to look more closely at the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 17 and 18. At this point in history, they had settled in the town of Mamre, sporting new names, but settled in routine, when God Himself shows up and dramatically transforms their life with an impossible promise, the gift of a son.
Let’s join the scene and use it as a model to prepare for our own celebration of God’s illogical, but incredible, gift to us of HIS Son for our personal salvation. Let us join Sarah and Abraham as they excitedly prepare the finest meal to honor the Presence of the Lord. Let’s marvel at God’s unexpected pronouncement of a long-awaited, but often doubted dream, that would finally come true. Let’s laugh with Sarah in wonder, delight and fear, over a God who can defy the natural odds and make the impossible, possible.
As you prepare dinner, or join friends or family for dinner, imagine that, just as He appeared at the entrance of Abraham’s tent, He appears at the entrance of your doorway and joins you for dinner. Consider how you would greet Him. Imagine Him at your table, and serve your guests, or treat your host, as though you are serving Christ.
Read Psalm 126 and dare to dream. Ask Him to fill your mouth with laughter. Laugh with Him, and laugh with others, over the unexpected miracles you have witnessed in your life, and the lives of those around you. Tell Him about the great things He has done for you. Ask Him to fill you and your home with joy. Pray that the tears you have shed will reap new songs of happiness. Pray that He will use the strange nature of this past year to sow fresh seeds of growth in your relationship with Him. Confess your doubts, your fears, your sadness. And then, with confidence, boldly ask Him to turn your forgotten hopes into an anthem of delight.
“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord!”
Luke 2:10 - 11
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King!”
Week Six: December 27 - January 2
Genesis 16:1 - 15, Psalm 23
As we come to the close of 2020, take some time to really stop and take stock of the past year. Like Hagar, many have wanted to flee, and escape the suffering of the pandemic, the turmoil of our nation, and the emotional toll this year has taken on us. Like Hagar, many have felt alone and isolated, stuck in a physical and spiritual desert. But just like Hagar, Christ SEES you. He hasn’t left you there. He has found you wherever you are, whatever state you are in. He comes to you and asks you the questions He asked Hagar. “(Your Name), where have you come from? Where are you going?”
Think about that first question. Where have you come from? What happened this past year that was challenging, confusing, hurtful, unexpected, exciting, life changing, boring? How did you change or grow through all of it? What lesson from 2020 do you want to hold onto and take with you into the next year?
Now, answer the next question. Where are you going? The New Year is before you. As you prepare for the new year, ask Him where He wants to lead you next. Seek His guidance for the next 365 days. Your greatest adventure could be still ahead! Are you willing to step forward in faith?
Read Psalm 23 and reword it in a way that is contextual to your life. Use this as a reminder that He never leaves you alone. He goes ahead of you and marks your path. He prepares you for the journey and gives you a place to rest when you are tired. He provides restoration and revival. He only wants good for you so you can know that where He leads, you can safely follow, and He protects you along the way. Even the enemy will have to stand back and watch as He rejoices over you. You can know that you will be anointed with grace and mercy and your final destination will be with Him, where you will see Him face to face and finally talk in person about the adventures you shared together!