Comments from Katherine

My mom has been asking me to come to this Bible Study for years. I always found an excuse to not go because I thought I didn’t need to be in a Bible Study with a bunch of “moms;” I needed to be in a Bible Study with girls who were closer to my age. Boy was I wrong. 

Learning from women who are my grandmother and mother’s friends has taught me wisdom that I could never have gotten from a study with people who were my age. Generational learning is something that we, as a society, have lost, and we desperately need it back. These women have taught me how to study the Bible, how to love my family and future husband, and how to listen and learn from people. 

The biggest lesson they have taught me is how important it is to have a group you can be vulnerable with. Jesus wants us to bring everything to the table and this Bible Study is a place to do that. The best part is you realize you are not the only one going through something. I’m so thankful the Lord has put these women in my life; He has shown me the value of friends of all ages, and how much I have to learn. I would never be able to figure it out on my own; coming to this Bible Study was truly the Lord’s work and I can’t wait to keep learning about my Heavenly Father. 



@HOME Holiday Devotional 2020


The Cornerstone