Meet Whitney Kelly

Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 31:30, Deuteronomy 31:6

Most Meaningful @ HOME Experience: I loved getting to see everyone in our first River Crest get together a couple years ago! It was so fun seeing everyone that is studying the same thing. I also got to meet so many new people whose names I knew, but didn’t know a face. I also love our Team Meetings and hearing so much wisdom from everyone involved in @HOME. 

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: SONRISE to SONDAY. I love the New Testament and its applications to our day to day lives- the good times AND the bad. I am SO excited for the upcoming study!! 

What you do outside of @ HOME: I work in Digital Advertising at Think of all the ads following you around the internet… that's us! I also love spending time with my family, seeing live music, reading, and I’m slowly getting back into running (it’ll be easier when it cools down!)

Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: I can’t pick a favorite, but I love Josh Garrels. My last year of Camp Longhorn, we sang Farther Along by Josh Garrels on Church Mountain, and I haven’t stopped listening to him since! 

Favorite Vacation Spot: Balboa Island, CA. My mom’s side of the family was from Southern California before they moved to Texas, so we have a lot of history out there.  I spend as much time as possible out there with my cousins. We’ve always spent about a month out there together- which is harder now that we’re older! But it is always the best part of my summer. We’re currently trying to convince our parents to do Thanksgiving out there this year! 

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant: Clay Pigeon and JD’s Hamburgers!!! I am super picky when it comes to burgers but I would eat JD’s every single day if I could. And Clay Pigeon is just AMAZING every time. 

3 Things You’re Loving Right Now: a 9pm bedtime, planning (and taking) vacations, and beach reads


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