Meet Esther Farhat

Favorite Verse:  Psalm 121:1-2

"I lift my eyes unto the hills;

Where else does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

The Maker of heaven and earth."

What Is Your Most Meaningful @Home Experience?

Being a small part of the teaching team has been a privilege.  So much goes on behind the scenes of this study.  All involved are the REAL THING, desiring high excellence in every aspect of @Home. These Godly women listen and respond humbly and prayerfully toward any suggestions for improvement.

How has @Home Impacted Your Life?

The questions and teaching challenge me to prayerfully consider the timeless truths of Scripture and the lives that are canonized in God's Word forever.  There are always applications included that are relevant to my life today.

What is your favorite Praise Song?

This is impossible to answer. My favorite song is the one I am singing at the time in our church worship, or singing along with Christian radio. The last song I hear for the day usually stays in my mind through the night hours.  Years in BSF re-ignited my love for the hymns of the faith, taking me back in time to church services as a child at my grandmother's side. I'm sure many people have come to faith in Christ in response to those beautiful, doctrine-filled hymns.

Favorite @Home Study So Far:

Also impossible to answer.  It seems God puts me in the study I most need at the time...always relevant to my current season in life.

Each new study is impactful, no matter how many times I have done it or taught it.  That is what is so wonderful about God's can never be depleted...there is always something more to glean.

What is Your Favorite Vacation Spot?

My husband Mike and I have been privileged to travel many places on God's beautiful planet in our 56 years of marriage.  Some highlights are Israel, Paris, Rome, Hawaii, Canada, and Alaska.  But I have to say our favorite vacations are those spent with family. Our many years of summer vacations in the mountains of Colorado with our children and grands are memories imprinted forever in our hearts.

What are three things you’re loving right now?

WOW. This is an easy one. God has granted me a full life with a loving husband, our 3 amazing daughters and their husbands, and  our 7 grands....3 now married. We cherish any time spent together as a family. God and His Word are central to our lives and conversations. Prov. 27:17 is our family motto: "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." We steadfastly hold each other accountable.   We are a competitive family, and are cut-throat in our zeal to win at any game.....inside OR outside.  We turn ANYTHING into a contest.  We have taken pumpkin carving and gingerbread house decorating to a new level, gathering those "winning" ideas well in advance of the big day.  


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Meet Mackenzie Moore