Meet Kristin Henderson

Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:31 “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."

How has @ HOME been impactful in your life: The love and support within our small group uplifts each of us and we are stronger collectively than we are by ourselves. Our text chain is full of praise and prayers.  

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: Typically the one we are studying and this past year’s study of Samuel was renewing and impactful. God’s Words meet us where we are in our lives, so the study revealed new insights and I find that exciting.

What you do outside of @ HOME: Besides special time with my husband and our growing family, you can find me training in the pool and the weight room, serving on the SMU Alumni Board as past chair, and enjoying fellowship with friends.

Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: Traditional - "How Great Thou Art”, Contemporary - "King of My Heart"

Favorite Vacation Spot: Palm Desert

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant: Clay Pigeon

3 Things You’re Loving Right Now (these can be books, activities, foods, habits, literally anything!) Spending time with our three grandchildren, celebrating the wedding of our youngest son and his beautiful bride, eating healthy with the help of our favorite dietician, Kasey Kilpatrick Benavides!!

Anything you’d like to add: So thankful for the vision of Kathy, Gayle and Betty, and the reward of seeing the fruits of their labor with the growth of @Home Bible Study.


A Final Word on Crowns from Barbie


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