A Final Word on Crowns from Barbie

Many years ago, I was in a Bible Study class taught by a young beautiful blonde leader. She  was amazing — always on time with a smile on her face — basically “Bible Study Barbie.”  But, I wasn’t sure what I could learn from this upbeat woman who seemed to have it all  together. It turns out that “Barbie” was way more than a pretty face; she also had incredible  insight into God’s Word. 

One day, “Barbie” was at the podium teaching on what we, as believers, can expect when we  are in heaven and standing before Jesus. She explained that we would receive crowns for  some of the things we had done while we lived on earth — not really good deeds, but those  times when we allowed God to use us in some way. Well the crown part got my attention. I  mean, what girl doesn’t want a crown? I pulled out my pen and started taking notes — a  CROWN was something I could work for! 

Just as I was getting really motivated, she said something startling. With this glowing look in  her eye and a radiant smile on her face, she told the class that after we received the crowns  from Jesus, we would have the “privilege” of throwing them back at His feet. 

What??? I was stunned — was she joking? So, Jesus will give us crowns — and, then as soon  as we get them, we are expected to immediately return them? Are we not allowed to keep just  one tiny tiara?  

I was confused and kind of disappointed. And, I wasn’t sure I cared much for this new teacher  with her chipper attitude and complete willingness to throw away some perfectly good, and  from my way of thinking, “earned” jewelry.  

As it would happen, a few weeks later someone told me something that God had done — a  message He had communicated to them — through me. I hadn’t even recalled the  conversation, much less been aware that I had relayed a word from God. And then — I  remembered about the crowns.  

Perhaps this is what “Barbie” meant when she talked about receiving a crown for what the  Lord does through us. This was a small thing, not really worthy of a crown. But, I got the  picture — it wouldn’t feel right to keep a crown for something Jesus did, not me. Furthermore,  giving something back to Christ is a pretty amazing opportunity considering ALL that He has  done for us. It turned out “Barbie” was right, as she often is.

Kathy Paukune


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