The Apostle’s Creed Comes Full Circle

The Apostle’s Creed Comes Full Circle
(And finally makes sense,...)

I grew up attending the Episcopal Church and going to Sunday School each week.
In church, the service was taken from the Book of Common Prayer. The service always
included the Apostle’s Creed and the Lord’s Prayer which I became very familiar with and could recite by heart.

I had accepted Jesus as my Savior as a little girl of 8 at a Christian camp. While I was excited about being a believer, honestly I was confused by so much of what the Bible said about the Christian faith.

After college, I was working in Dallas and attended a church and a co-ed Bible study, where I learned so much, and became more interested in learning what God’s Word has to say, and what I professed to believe.

Over the last few years, I have attended At Home bible Study with a group of friends. While studying Hebrews this past fall, I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself reflecting on, and reciting, the Apostle’s Creed. What had been so ingrained in my mind from constant repetition came back so clearly. But, it finally had meaning! Hebrews so clearly defines who Jesus is and why He is worth believing.

This was to me, an example of a seed that had been planted many years ago, and was finally sprouting! We all have our own timing when God opens our eyes and our minds to His Word.

This was mine; it was a full circle moment!

At Home Bible Study has been such a blessing to me. I have been amazed at the level of
discussions in our small group. And now, when I hear the Apostles creed recited at church, or in my head, it is personal — it is the foundation of my faith!

By Carolyn Hudson




Meet the Member: Kyley