Roasted Carrots with Avocado and Citrus Dressing

This is a beautiful and unusual way to serve carrots.  Some of the prep can be done in advance which helps make it a seemingly effortless dish.


2 pounds tri-colored carrots

2-3 cups greens of choice for topping – arugula, torn little gem or butter lettuce

    Micro greens work well but decrease the quantity by half

2 tsp. red pepper flakes

2 cloves garlic

1 T fresh thyme leaves

1 t cumin seeds

1 t coriander seeds

2 T red wine vinegar

1  orange, halved

1  lemon, halved 

1/3 cup olive oil

1 tsp salt

1 large avocado 

¼ cup roasted pepitas 


Parboil carrots until carrots are partially cooked but not quite halfway cooked through.  It is better to undercook as you will finish them off in the oven and can always roast more at this time.  Plunge into ice water, drain, dry and hold until ready to use.  

Combine red pepper flakes, garlic, thyme, cumin, coriander, vinegar, juice from half a lemon and olive oil in a small blender and blend until ingredients are finely diced and blended. You can also use a small container and an immersible blender. 

Preheat oven to 400.  Place carrots on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. 

Rub half of the dressing base into the carrots and roast with the lemon and orange halves cut side up.  During the last phase of cooking (about 10 minutes depending on how parboiled the carrots are) turn oven to broil and get a little golden brown on some of the carrots and citrus. You want the carrots to remain firm so test with a knife to prevent them from becoming mushy. 

Remove from oven and squeeze citrus into the remaining dressing base and blend until smooth. Taste adding salt and pepper as needed.  Arrange carrots on a platter and top with sliced avocado, greens, dressing and pepitas.  Place the squeezed lemon and orange halves on the platter for garnish. 

NOTE: I have added sour cream to the dressing when a creamy texture is desired. 


Meet the Leader: Nancy Bayouth
