Meet the Leader: Nancy Bayouth

Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11

When does your group meet and how did your group get together? Thursdays 1:00. We have been together for years doing Thursday bible study. Only the last 2 years of at home study. 

Most Meaningful @ HOME Experience: praying over members needs 

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: Samuel

What you do outside of @ HOME (family, work, hobbies, etc):  Administrator and nurse of Fort worth Concierge Plus Medical & Wellness. Go to the lake to relax and unwind, exercise, book club, gardening. Administrative assistant for Amy Bell Charities, Africa

Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: Psalm 23 Phil Wickman

What are your summer plans?: Precision Rifle camp with family. Spending the summer at the lake, taking cooking classes with my sons. . 

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant (and what do you order?!): Mi Cocina - Brisket Tacos

Favorite Vacation Destination? Italy or the mountains in the summer 

Favorite Book? Anything Historical Fiction

Favorite Fort Worth Weekend Activity? Going to the lake, going to church

3 Things You’re Loving Right Now: 27 years of marriage to my husband!  Savannah Guthrie's book "Mostly what God does", bible study with my sons' girlfriends,  reading mindless books in the summer. Learning Mahjong. I love my chickens, dogs and cats! Summer break!!!!

Anything you’d like to add: I love the accountability of leading Bible Study. I have learned over the years that it is much more about what God wants me to learn from his Word than what he wants me to teach others. I am very thankful for my faithful parents who taught me how to love God and love others. 




Roasted Carrots with Avocado and Citrus Dressing