Meet Gracie Thomas

Meet Grace! Gracie is our Website Designer, Marketing Extraordinaire, and a leader to a group down in Houston.

Favorite Bible Verse: My answer probably changes on different days, but right now I’m loving Jeremiah 29:11-13. It’s a verse we quoted at our daughter’s dedication recently and it has a whole new meaning now that I’m a mom. Life feels easier when I can rest knowing that God is in control and that his plans for us are always GOOD, even when the journey feels bumpy. It’s also a good reminder to seek God daily to ensure we are tuned in to where He might be trying to lead us.

How has @ HOME been impactful in your life: @Home Bible Study has been such a blessing in many ways. Here in Houston it has brought a new depth to my friend group as well as encouraged us to reach out to women beyond our normal circle. I always look forward to our Tuesdays not only to talk about the Lord but to see my friends, hear about how God is working in their lives, and to pray for each other together. I’ve also loved how it keeps me connected with my friends and fellow @Home women in my home town of Fort Worth.

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: I’ve only done Crowned, but I’m SO excited about the upcoming study. 

What you do outside of @ HOME: I am living down in Houston with my husband Robbie, our 5 month old Elle, and our lab, Rocky. I own a strategic brand studio that works closely with companies looking to rebrand or reposition— we basically come in and “flip" companies to make them stronger from a brand perspective. It keeps me very busy but I’m blessed to be able to do it from home and spend time with Elle! If I ever have free time, I love working out, trying new restaurants, and cooking. 

Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - Hillsong UNITED or Symphony by Switch. Oceans is an all time favorite, but Symphony has been a song I’ve leaned on over the past few years. The lyrics are amazing and always encouraging. 

Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere with a beach, but I love going to Montecito with my family.

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant: Clay Pigeon always!

3 Things You’re Loving Right Now (these can be books, activities, foods, habits, literally anything!): Morning walks with our dog and Elle, red light therapy, and New Morning Mercies. I’ve made it a habit to walk for at least 30 minutes every morning and it is the best for setting the tone for my day! I also have been loving my red light therapy device. I wake up before the rest of my family, head into our guest room/“workout room”, and read my New Morning Mercies devotional and stretch in front of the red light. I’ve noticed it has boosted my energy and mood and it’s great for detox and glowing skin! Takes quiet time to a new level. I try different devotionals here and there, but I always come back to New Morning Mercies. I’ve read it over and over for about 6 years now and it’s a great way to get scripture into your day when you just have a few minutes or before you dive into an @Home study.


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If Only…