Wise Men

I have always had a fascination with the Wise Men.  The idea of scholars who would make such a long (easily hundreds of miles) and likely dangerous journey, believing they would find "The King of the Jews" in the location where a great star shown down (Matthew 2).  

Did they really believe the prophecies about Jesus?  We are told that they fell down and worshipped Him and that they gave Him gifts.  That's pretty significant.  BUT - Then what?

Did they leave there with changed hearts or only with a curiosity satisfied?  What did they tell people when they got home?

I like to picture myself in stories.  An old school virtual reality, if you will.  Would I have had the courage to make the long journey?  Given the ease with which I have access to Jesus now, and yet often don't bother to meet with Him - I am pretty sure I know the answer. 

Do I worship Him as He deserves, or am I just putting on the appearance of worship - closed eyes, raised hands - all the while thinking about lunch after church?  Am I telling people about who He is?  Or do I check my intellectual curiosity by great teaching - all the while my heart is still "two sizes too small"?  My desire for the holiday season is the wisdom to really seek to be in the presence of the "King of the Jews" -  not go through the stress-filled, box checking, surviving the season routine that I have perfected.  Because that is a blessing to who?  Certainly not me or anyone around me.

Perhaps if I slow down to a Wise Man's pace (hard to hurry on a camel), perhaps if I set my sights on the heavens above and gaze with wonder and amazement at the night sky (or even just the Christmas lights), perhaps if I fall down in worship and give back to Him all that He has given to me, then this year my holidays will feel more like holy days.

All of this inevitably leads me to my favorite question.  "So what?"  What is your "So what?"  Who needs to witness in you a shift from holiday madness to holy gladness?  Who needs to see more King Jesus and less Queen of Christmas?  My list starts at home and extends to the grocery store checker and everywhere in between.  Now that's a list worth checking twice.

What about you?

By Laura Deskins


What are you doing God?


Advent Devotionals