Meet the Member: Pam Flowers

Favorite Bible Verse: John 14:2-3 "{In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, you may be also."

When does your group meet and how did your group get together? Our group, headed up by Mary Alice Brumley, is called The Grace Givers and we meet every Wednesday at 10:00.  I was asked to join by Glenda Ball about a year after the group first began.

Most Meaningful @ HOME Experience: My @Home group helped my family through what was a crisis and could have been very devastating.  Their counsel headed up by Mary Alice changed our course back to the path God wanted us to take on a very important  issue.  This group of fifteen wonderful women has so  enriched my life.  I grew up with a brother and now have fifteen sisters as well.

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: Luke is my favorite study so far.

What you do outside of @ HOME: I have been an interior designer for 41 years.  I owned a retail home furnishing store in Aledo for fifteen years.  I closed it in 2013 to take on the care of my mother.  I kept my design business operating through the years I was caring for her.  My mother went to be with Jesus in 2020.  I also have a Christmas decor installation business for my clients.  I love Christmas! I have been married to my husband, David for 57 years. God has been so gracious to us!  We have three believing daughters, married to three believing amazing men.  Each of them have three children, two sons and a daughter.  Our grandchildren are all Christ followers.  We have six grandsons and three granddaughters.  Our oldest grandson is married. David and I live in Aledo in a home we built 27 years ago.  We take very seriously our task to "steward" this land.  We love gardening and really enjoy spending time together on our land.  There is always something to do! like trim the boxwoods! 

Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: I am traditional.  My favorite hymn is "Be Thou My Vision".  It was sung at our daughter's wedding.

What are your summer plans?: Our summer has already seen visits from our two daughters and their families that live on the east coast.  We look forward to lots of swimming, outdoor cooking, fishing down at the lake with our three grandchildren that live in Aledo.  We do love to entertain friends as well and that is ongoing.

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant (and what do you order?!): Our favorite restaurant is Ellerbe on Magnolia.  The menu chnges seasonally with what is growing nearby.  We love everything they offer.

Favorite Vacation Destination? Our favorite destinations are Lambertville, New Jersey and Prince Frederick, Maryland.  Both places are where our "east coast" kids live!

Favorite Book? Hopefully I will have a new favorite book after this summer!  R.C. Sproul has really helped me in my studies on Luke.  I am looking forward to Acts!


Spinach and Squash Salad
