Meet Gayle O’Neal

Favorite Bible Verse: 

Psalm 119:10-11

“I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You”

and 119:105 “ Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”

How has @ HOME been impactful in your life: 

Oh yes in countless ways but especially the transforming Grace that comes from THE WORD 

Favorite @ HOME Study so far: 

The one I’m in at the moment but I really loved Genesis

What you do outside of @ HOME: 


Favorite Hymn or Praise Song: 

Too many to choose but love MAJESTY AND GLORY

Favorite Vacation Spot

Cuchara, Colorado

Favorite Fort Worth Restaurant:

Anything Mexican!! 

3 Things You’re Loving Right Now (these can be books, activities, foods, habits, literally anything!) 

QUIET TIME WITH THE LORD, reading, eating and sharing life with friends

Anything you’d like to add: 

I am so blessed to be a part of this @ HOME Bible Study. The Word keeps me excited about my future, it keeps me grounded and sheds great hope within me.


Authenticated Intelligence


Meet Kathy Paukune