A Letter From Lissa Harrison

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” 


If I have learned anything through the trials that have come my way, it is that I am weak. BUT in Christ I am made strong and I have been able to overcome so many obstacles that I would never have been able to face had I not had a relationship with Him. But in order to stand firm in my faith, I must continue to seek Him out and that is a daily battle, one the devil wants me to lose. 

This study has helped me fight that battle. It has helped me to realize how badly I need to have an eternal perspective versus a worldly one. “We are in this world, not of this world.” It is in our nature to want to be of this world, to do things on our own terms and to live how we want to live. Trust me I know, it is something I have to remind myself of constantly. It’s when we are in His Word, surrounded by those who love Him, that we are truly able to step back from ourselves and see His goodness and His love. To see that the here and now is so small compared to what is to come. This group of amazing women have been such a blessing in my walk and it is not just something I need, but something I have come to love and to enjoy and to really look forward to ❤️


He Saved You a Seat at the Table