How to Build an at home Bible Study

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20

Creating a Bible Study might seem overwhelming, but @HOME Bible Study is here to help! We understand how important it is to spend time with Him in the word, and we know how special time with a small group can be. In March of 2020, @HOME Bible Study began creating free, online, at home studies to be done with a small group or on your own. 

Creating your own group is easy and flexible.  All you need is a time and place to meet, and a facilitator to organize the details and moderate discussions. Each group has the freedom to determine where and when to meet, the number of members, and the format.

The weekly discussion questions and video will be available each week on the @HOME Bible Study website and can be used as your group decides.  The following are suggestions that may help get your group organized. We are in the second half of SONRISE to SONDAY, a study of Hebrews and 1+2 Thessalonians, and we can’t wait for you to join us! 

If you have any questions about building your own @HOME group, please contact us at

Let us know why your Bible Study is important to you in the comments below.


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Merry Christmas from @HOME Bible Study