Beep Beep!

My journey has taken lots of turns, and there have been many roadblocks. But, what I’ve realized is that God has been preparing and shaping me for the unique role He planned, and He has been present in each step of my life story. Like David, there have been many times I found myself in the wilderness, or in a desert. But God was there, molding me in ways I didn’t always see at the time, so that I could one day bring glory to Him. As my friend Joy and I discussed, if you’re not looking, open and aware, you can miss the glimpses and reminders He gives us of His Presence, and why we’re here. We are meant to be God’s heart walking on this earth for the brief time we are given. 

This past year, I met a man in Round Top, Texas during their bi-annual antique show. He has this old Volkswagen that he has covered in both Christian, and secular, memorabilia. It’s an attention getter! He plays Praise music and speaks to people about Jesus as he weaves in  and out of the crowd. He aims to be an encourager, to draw people to Christ. I have to  confess, when I saw him in his old decorated VW, I couldn’t resist asking him to take me for a  spin. He climbed in the passenger seat and I took a seat behind the wheel. My VW, 4 speed  memory came right back as we drove around, praising Jesus! 

Sometimes God shows up in unexpected ways, in unpredictable places, to remind us He is near. A man drives by on the highway with a huge cross in the bed of his truck and I’m moved each time I see him. It’s another reminder for me to be grateful, and inspired by those who proclaim the light of His glory as they go about their day. 

So, this year, I am praying He opens my eyes to see Him in unanticipated moments, to be courageous and determined to share Christ even when it’s uncomfortable. Bottom line, He can. 

By Laura Crudup


The Epitaph


Chilly Chili Recipe