“. . . what you say flows from what is in your heart.”

“. . . what you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45  

“Alarm clock screaming, bare feet hit the floor.  

It’s off to the races, everybody out the door.  

I’m feeling like I am falling behind, it’s a crazy life.   

Ninety miles an hour, going as fast as I can, Trying to push a little harder trying to get the upper hand. So much to do in so little time, it’s a crazy life!  It’s ready, set, go, another wild day, when stress is on the rise.  

In my heart, I hear you say, Just breathe, just breathe.  

Come and rest at my feet and be, just be.   

Chaos calls, but all you really need  

Is to just breathe!“

“Breathe” by Jonny Diaz  

Does this sound familiar? Does this make you anxious just by reading it? It does for me. I am an anxious person by nature, and I struggle with it daily.  

About six years ago I found myself staying up until 11 p.m. trying to get organized while my husband was traveling for business. Even though I was doing this three or four times a week, I could never catch up! I felt continually overwhelmed. I was irritable, worried, and anxious. I was not sleeping. My mind was in constant overdrive. I found myself thinking, “This is crazy, and I don’t want to live this way! There has to be something better!”  

One day, I was talking to a friend, and she invited me to her Bible study. That experience nudged me back into doing Bible study on my own again at night.  Night time worked well because my kids were little and I had no time during the day. However, I found myself falling asleep in the middle of it. I was obviously finding more peace, but I never felt like I fully comprehended or absorbed what I was reading in my Bible.  

A few years later, I was on a walk, trying to find some peace. I ran into my mom who invited me to @HOME Bible Study. That year was AMAZING! My kids were a bit older and both in school. I had told myself, “No more Bible study at night because you fall asleep.” I decided I was going to make time during the day when the kids were at school. It was better, but I still found myself rushing trying to get it completed just like everything else in my life. All I could think was, “Why am I choosing to live this hurried life? And, if I was going to do Bible study, shouldn’t I feel peaceful and not rushed?” That  thought really pushed me to evaluate my time. How did I want to spend it?  Did I want my kids to see me rushing around constantly, which usually led to me being grumpy and irritable? Or, did I want them to remember me, and our time together as calm, supportive, and less rushed?  

Two years ago, I started waking up at 5:30 a.m. (yes, I know it's early!) and doing my study - just God and me. And, then last year, I started writing down my prayers. I had never done that before, but had always wanted to try it. I had heard it just was such a blessing to be able to go back and see how much God truly provided! I also read Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer.  This inspired me to practice silence and solitude. I just relax and breathe for 5,6, or 15 minutes after I study and pray. The three actions of waking up, writing prayers down, and reading this book have changed my life, my family’s life, my attitude, my thoughts, my feelings, and my daily outlook on life.  

The most common response I get when I tell people (that ask) about how I make time for Bible study is, “How do you wake up at 5:30? I could never do  that!” Yes, it’s hard for me too. I am not a morning person. It’s hard to get into this habit, and it takes all the discipline I have. But the rewards I receive are far deeper. When I do this, God provides a way for me to see things more clearly in my life. He ALWAYS reminds me He is here and He is in control, not me. The  Holy Spirit fills me when I am in His word daily. He provides peace, comfort, and reminds me that He is with me! It just makes my anxiety lift! It’s a peace that He gives me during my study and quiet time that definitely surpasses ALL my understanding. I don’t worry. I don’t doubt. I just get to be. He whispers to me, “I am yours and you are Mine!”  

I encourage you to try this. You may not be a morning person, or have to get up at 5:30 a.m. to have a quiet house. But, honestly, it’s my favorite part of the day. Just me and Him. And you know what starts to happen when I get in the routine? He beckons me in the morning. Before my alarm clock even goes off, He starts to say, “Come a little closer and stay a little longer. I can’t get enough of you!” 

I was not able to keep my routine this summer and truly missed it every day!  So, bring it on October! I can’t WAIT to get my green tea, do my studying, write down my prayers, and just be with Him in solitude. I hope you can join me this month! 

“I’m caught up in Your Presence. I just want to sit here at your feet. I am  caught up in this holy moment, and I never want to leave. Oh, I am not here for blessings. Jesus, you don’t owe me anything. More than anything that you can do, I just want you!” 

-Nothing Else by Cody Carnes

By Margaret Lane


It is all about the Climb


I am so thankful for this Bible Study…